Dr. Ford’s Digestive Rejuvenator
Happy GUT, Happy You: Detox and Rejuvenate Your Digestion
My Account / Digestive Rejuvenator
Welcome aboard and congratulations!
I know it is a big decision, one that requires time and commitment on your part, which is why I have provided all the tools at your fingertips to help you make sure it will be well worth it!!
By the time you are done, you will have completed the “first step protocol” I usually put my private clients through and should already be seeing changes in your health and feeling MUCH better and ready for the next step!
Instructions on your simple 10-day cleanse, the ultimate cleansing Smoothie and Tea recipe.
Download a comprehensive guide on nutritious foods and an easy weekly planner to help you on your cleanse.
Miscellaneous Docs
Get Dr. Ford recommended Dispensary link and instructions, plus additional trusted dispensaries.
Curious about our other cleanses? View All Cleanses.