Dr. Ford’s Hormonal Harmony
Reclaim Your Spark: Balanced Hormones Bring Renewed Energy, Focus, and Zest for Life!
Work With Dr. Ford / DIY Testing Packages / Hormonal Harmony
Why Dr. Ford’s Hormonal Harmony Package?
Transform Your Life: Testing Illuminates the Road to Balanced Hormones and Total Wellbeing! Do you Struggle with ANY of the following symptoms?
Mood swings/stress/anxiety
Increased sugar or carb cravings
Unexplained weight gain
Loss of muscle mass
Dry and brittle hair and/or nails
Hair loss or unwanted facial or body hair
Decreased stamina and energy
Increased forgetfulness/foggy thinking
Difficulty sleeping
Hot flashes and/or night sweats
Vaginal dryness or decreased libido
Cycle and/or bleeding changes
Low testosterone levels
Loss of interest, energy, and “drive”
Loss of libido
Embrace Precision: With Dr. Ford’s Expertise, Your Test Results Are Translated into Tailored Solutions for Optimized Wellness!
Looking for a “revitalization” that lasts?
You’ve come to the right place! Dr. Ford’s Hormonal Harmony is the “quick fix” designed to set you on the path to lasting gut health. The accompanying dietary guidelines can safely be used long-term to keep you on the path to natural, healthy, ongoing vitality!
When is the best time to do Dr. Ford’s Hormonal Harmony?
How about NOW? Why not do a powerful “Spring Cleaning” that will jump start your health goals for the summer?
*No need to take precious time out of your schedule or worry about being near a bathroom at all times….this cleanse is safe, effective, and won’t leave you cranky, crampy, or uncomfortable like fad cleanses do!

Here’s what’s included:
Step-by-Step directions to experience the transformative power of ALL THREE of Dr. Ford’s therapeutic smoothies, herbal teas, and detox plan.
Exclusive DETOX plan food list and weekly planner w/ shopping list and recipes (your guide to eating REAL food during the cleanse).
Dr. Ford’s video explaining HOW to incorporate the DETOX food plan into your cleanse regimen.
Dr. Ford’s video explaining EXACTLY where to go and HOW to set up your personal account to order your own test kit without having to go through a doctor!
Dr. Ford’s video giving you some VERY helpful hints regarding your sample collection.
Dr. Ford’s video reviewing a sample report while explaining what YOUR results mean and how to use specific products formulated to correct imbalances.
Dr. Ford’s video explaining how to use the product recommendations handout to optimize your results.
Finally, a dispensary link providing you the added benefit of a personal, convenient, “direct to your door” account with Professional Nutritionals, industry leader in exclusive physician quality nutritional supplements. Ford has chosen specific products, clinically tested, designed to augment your cleanse and make it even more powerful and effective.
What do you have to lose other than bloat, fatigue, headaches, edema and brain fog?
Take this important first step toward restoring your health and vitality!
It’s a wise investment in your health for only $259.95
Not the choice you are looking for? View All DIY Testing Kits.
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